Your investment in ERP as the heart of your company has the power to transform your business and achieve sustainable, measurable improvements. However, industry surveys show that nearly 50% of ERP implementations do not meet the original project outcomes, ROI expectations, and business goals. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these issues by discovering the root causes of ERP implementation deficiencies, identifying opportunities, and creating an ERP Optimization Plan for success.
After reviewing the results of the Assessment, you will understand your baseline and have a prioritized action plan. The Turning Point team will work with you to identify your next steps roadmap, timeline, potential project investments, and estimated financial, productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement returns.
When you set up your ERP Optimizations Assessment discovery call we will utilize questions from the ERP Optimize Assessment overview sheet shown below. Please download the PDF. We will discuss your key ERP Optimization opportunity areas and discuss the next steps toward your ERP Optimize Assessment.