Business Continuity

Ensuring the availability of business functions


Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organization and the impacts to business operations that those threats, if realized, might cause. Additionally, BCM provides a framework for building the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of an organization’s key stakeholders, reputation, brand, and value-creating activities.

Our TPC Business Resilience Methodology℠ focuses on ensuring the availability of business functions. The TPC Philosophy is to focus less on risk and more on resilience. Our service offerings help define business continuity requirements, design and implement solutions; and maintain / continuously improve capabilities.

Key business continuity services include:

BCP Capability Assessments
BCP Development
Business Impact Assessment
BCP Implementation
Risk Assessments
Capability Validation
BCP Pilots
Program Management

What we do for Business Continuity

Our business continuity planning involves a structured approach to ensure your organization can continue its critical functions and recover from disruptions effectively. Designing and implementing business continuity involves a structured approach to efficiently develop a business continuity program.

Leadership Commitment:

Ensure that senior leadership, including executives and top management, is committed to and supportive of business continuity planning. Leadership buy-in is crucial for resource allocation and setting the tone for the entire organization.

Establish a Business Continuity Team:

Form a dedicated business continuity team or committee responsible for overseeing and driving continuity planning efforts. This team should include representatives from various departments and functions.

Risk Assessment:

Identify and assess potential risks and threats that could disrupt your business. This includes natural disasters, cybersecurity threats, supply chain vulnerabilities, economic downturns, and more.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA):

Conduct a Business Impact Analysis to understand the critical functions and processes of your organization. Determine the financial, operational, and reputational impact of disruptions on these functions.

Set Objectives and Priorities:

Define clear objectives for business continuity planning. Prioritize areas that are most critical to your organization's mission, customer service, and profitability.

Develop a Business Continuity Strategy:

Create a comprehensive business continuity strategy that outlines how your organization plans to mitigate risks, respond to disruptions, and recover swiftly. Consider multiple scenarios.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP):

Develop a detailed Business Continuity Plan that documents the steps to take when disruptions occur. This should include communication plans, recovery procedures, and resource allocation.

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP):

If applicable, create a Disaster Recovery Plan that focuses on IT and data recovery. Ensure data backups, redundancy, and testing of IT systems.

Crisis Management Plan:

Establish a Crisis Management Plan for how your organization will respond to significant crises. This should include decision-making processes and communication strategies.

Resource Allocation:

Allocate the necessary resources, including budget and personnel, to implement and maintain business continuity measures.

Training and Awareness:

Train employees on business continuity procedures and their roles in implementing the plans. Ensure they are aware of potential threats and how to respond.

Testing and Exercising:

Regularly test your plans through simulations and exercises. Identify weaknesses and areas for improvement and update plans accordingly.

Supplier and Partner Collaboration:

Collaborate with key suppliers and partners to ensure they also have business continuity plans in place. Consider diversifying suppliers to reduce supply chain risks.

Communication and Stakeholder Engagement:

Establish clear communication channels and protocols for keeping employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders informed during disruptions.

Continuous Improvement:

Foster a culture of continuous improvement in business continuity efforts. Regularly review and update plans, incorporating lessons learned from exercises and real events.

Documentation and Reporting:

Keep thorough documentation of all business continuity activities, incidents, and responses. Report on progress and achievements to leadership and stakeholders.

Regulatory Compliance:

Ensure compliance with any regulatory requirements related to business continuity in your industry or region.

Community Engagement:

Depending on your industry and location, consider engaging with local emergency services and community organizations to enhance your organization's business continuity.

Remember that business continuity planning is an ongoing process. It's essential to continually monitor, adapt, and improve your plans as your organization evolves and as new threats emerge. Business continuity is not a one-time project; it's a strategic and cultural commitment to ensuring your organization's resilience and ability to withstand disruptions.

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